Minox EC air spray coloured versions - not Minox productions

introduction | Ur | Riga | AII | AIII | AIIIs | B | CBLLXEC | AX | TLX/CLX/LX 2K/100th AnniversaryECXMXClassics | accessories
rectangular meter | circular meter (grey) | circular meter (black) | MHS | Minox Club | Silver wrap | air spray | ECX | ECX Exclusiv | accessories

Finish Lens Cover Meter
black grey rectangular
grey circular
black circular

It is unclear how long these 'home' painted or 'professionally lacquered' EC cameras have been sold at auction. Certainly they appeared on Ebay in January 2001 and have been sold and resold since.


The finish on the cameras is well done and the MINOX name a perfect match for those made by Minox on production EC cameras. It might even be fun to have a red Ferrari EC or a yellow Porsche EC camera, but mostly these are sold without disclosing that they have been air sprayed and never left the Minox factory in this form. Many are early EC cameras, picked up on auction for under 40EUR and then professionally sprayed and sold with an asking price of over 200USD. Some have sold for over 450USD. There is mention of warranty on these cameras.

The only commercially available non-black EC is the Riga-blue Minox Club Special Edition sold to club members in December 2003 directly from Minox GmbH.

Serial #        
Finish/colour  white red gold yellow
Date of Manufacture        
Current Value        
Auction Price Ebay
02/03/05 250USD
02/04/14 300USD
02/08/18 250USD
02/11/26 128.50USD
05/12/18 121.50USD
02/02/28 300USD,
02/08/01 222USD,
02/10/01 300USD,
03/01/13 276.50USD,
05/09/18 153.50USD, 06/01/07 180.20USD
07/09/16 81EUR
02/06/17 350USD
01/1/20 268USD,
02/03/05 250GBP, offered 02/04/25 250GBP but sold 03/11/ 121EUR
02/03/05 250USD
02/04/14 300USD
02/08/18 250USD
02/11/26 128.50USD
05/11/09 177.50USD



Last Updated on 30th September 2007