C - Minox 8x11 red LED warning light

introduction | Ur | Riga | AII | AIII | AIIIs | B | CBLLXEC | AX | TLX/CLX/LX 2K/100th AnniversaryECXMXClassics | accessories
complancomplan UVraised rimflat rimred ledaccessories
chrome (m) | chrome FI (m) | black (m) | gold (m) | chrome (ft) | black (ft) | gold (ft)

Finish Lens Meter Frame counter Rim UV Filter over cell Focus Engraving
chrome, black, gold Minox lens red LED, 10 seconds flat present Metric/DIN, Imperial (Feet. inch)/ASA Logo C USA, FI, none

Common and easily found in metric but harder to find as imperial version. The red LED is more robust than the earlier white/wheat bulb and of course all have the 10 second automatic exposure and flat rim (around the frame counter and shutter release). The red LED is certainly distinctive and is the version most sought after.

metric, 2454928, also metric, engraved FI, 2443370

black, metric, 2454489


imperial (feet/inches, ASA) sample wanted, USA version e.g.  2442450

Last Updated on 27th January 2002