C - Minox 8x11 Complan lens, white bulb, raised rim

introduction | Ur | Riga | AII | AIII | AIIIs | B | CBLLXEC | AX | TLX/CLX/LX 2K/100th AnniversaryECXMXClassics | accessories
complancomplan UVraised rimflat rimred ledaccessories
chrome (m) | black (m) | gold (m) | chrome (ft) | black (ft) | gold (ft)

Finish Lens Meter Frame counter Rim UV Filter over cell Focus Engraving
chrome, black, gold Complan lens


white light, max 7 seconds raised present Metric/DIN e.g. 2313545,  Imperial (Feet. inch)/ASA  e.g. 2310160 Logo C USA, FI, none

The early Minox C whether with a complan lens or the Minox lens has a rim around the frame counter and a rim around the shutter release button in similar style to the earlier B and A models. This style is certainly distinctive and preferred by some to the later style with red LED. The red LED is more robust and the camera has a longer automatic exposure to 10 seconds and so is ultimately the camera most sought after. If the white/wheat bulb is broken it is possible to modify the PCB to accommodate a red LED; an expensive option.


e.g. 2313545, also metric with FI engraving

imperial (feet/inches and ASA)

e.g. 2310160, also USA (sample wanted)

Last Updated on 27th January 2002