Minox 8x11 - developing tanks - 70s 36 exposure spiral

introduction | Riga | Riga 'white' | 1950s | 1950s brown box | 1950s grey box | 1960s | 1960s 15/36 rings | 1970s | 1970s 36 spiral | 1980s | 2000

Model 1970s late version with one 15 exposure ring, 36 only tank
Purchased 01/02/07
Date of Manufacture  
Cost 113DEM
Current Value  
Auction Price Ebay
late version with one ring
*01/02/07 113DEM box
02/07/30 130.25USD
*03/11/29 33EUR
04/05/24 61EUR
04/06/27 42EUR
04/06/27 81EUR
05/06/11 52.67USD
05/07/26 25.51EUR
05/11/28 61USD
05/12/15 76USD
06/01/27 25.50EUR
06/02/17 19.50EUR
06/02/19 56.95USD
06/02/21 8.50EUR
06/02/22 51USD
06/04/07 16.50EUR
06/04/15 29.49EUR
06/04/23 118.50USD
06/04/27 26.82EUR
06/05/12 121.50USD
06/06/15 27.05EUR
06/08/13 24.50EUR
06/10/29 72.99USD
07/02/04 26.50GBP
07/03/12 43GBP
07/06/01 24.30EUR
07/06/03  35.50EUR
07/07/31 37.60GBP
08/01/17 42.50EUR


Last Updated on 17th January 2008